How your water intake can change the world 🌍💧 - Pure

At Pure, we’re proud to be the only high street brand to actively encourage our customers not to buy bottled water by offering free, freshly filtered water in all of our shops – thanks to our partnership with Belu.

Belu thinks outside the bottle, championing a mission to change the way the world sees water. They’re not just about delivering outstanding drinks; they’re dedicated to creating a better world by investing all their profits into environmental conservation, carbon reduction and water accessibility projects globally.

So, next time you pop by, refill your bottle with our Belu-filtered water and sip knowing you’re part of a bigger wave of change.

World Water Day

We’re thrilled to share that today, on World Water Day, Belu are giving £377,000 to WaterAid – all of their 2023 net profit. That’s just one of the reasons we choose to partner with them, because together we’re changing the way the world sees water.