Our new catering menu is here | Pure

We know, we know – it’s still cold, it’s still dark, and we’re only just about getting back into the swing of things. But hopefully, we’ve made office days that little bit easier with our new seasonal catering menu! Here to bring a burst of flavour to your workday routine.

Ready to make your meetings more productive, your lunches more exciting and your team more energised?

Ever tried Pretzel Rolls? Trust us, they’re a game-changer. Choose from delicious fillings like Pastrami & Gherkins, Avo & fiery Sriracha or classic Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese. Available in two box sizes, regular for 6 people and large for 12 people. Lunchtime’s looking up!

And because we know January can feel a tad long, we’ve added Mini Treat Boxes to our menu. Blondie Bites, anyone? Maple Flapjacks anyone? They’re perfect for that mid-meeting pick-me-up or just to sweeten your day a little.


Pretzel Rolls

Maple Flapjacks

Picture this: it’s mid-afternoon in the office, energy’s dipping and stomachs are rumbling. Sounds like the perfect moment for a cookie intervention, right? Enter our NEW Cherry & Almond Cookie Box.

Freshly baked, they’re a crunchy, chewy utterly delightful blend of rich Pip & Nut almond butter and juicy black cherries, served with fresh strawberries for that extra oomph! These cookies aren’t just a treat; they’re strategy fuel, meeting enhancers and team spirit boosters. Oh, and they’re 100% vegan.

Transform those ‘Ugh, Monday…’ moments into ‘Let’s do this!’ energy – get some Pure goodness delivered to your office pronto. We can’t wait to see what you’ll pick first.