Why is protein important for workplace wellness?
In our always-on world, the fuel we choose for our team matters more than ever. Protein isn’t just a buzzword from the fitness world; it’s a vital ingredient for nurturing mental wellbeing and energising our workplaces.
Noticed a dip in energy among your team members post-lunch? It could be a sign that they didn’t have enough protein on their plate.
While protein might conjure images of weightlifters and poached chicken breasts, it’s essential for everyone’s daily intake. Beyond just fueling muscles, protein plays a pivotal role in stabilising energy levels and maintaining focus throughout the day. And by supporting the production of neurotransmitters, it aids in cognitive functions vital for a productive work environment.
Translation? Add more protein to the menu, and you can say goodbye to post-lunch slumps and hello to consistent productivity.
What are some prime sources of protein?
From the sea to the soybean, protein comes in many forms. Here’s a breakdown:
- Animal-based protein: Fish, poultry, lean meats, eggs and dairy champion the protein cause, offering a robust profile of essential amino acids.
- Plant-based protein: Nuts, seeds, legumes, grains and tofu bring protein to the table, proving you don’t need meat to meet your protein needs.
Take a look at our catering menu for protein-rich options designed to fuel your office’s needs.